Searches for an SPL token in the SPL token registry

(async() => {
    let token_search_1 = await"symbol", "USDC"); // {"tokens": [...]}
    let token_search_2 = await"symbol", "USDC", "equals"); // {"tokens": [...]}
    let token_search_3 = await"symbol", "USDC", "equals", true); // {"tokens": [...]}


  • search: string - what to use to search (address, name, symbol)

  • param: string - the parameter/search term to use to find a token

  • compare_type (optional, default: "equals"): string - how to compare the search for tokens (equals, startsWith, endsWith, includes)

  • skip_validation (optional, default: false): boolean - whether to skip validation on if a token in the SPL token registry is a valid SPL token (true for skipping validation, false for not skipping validation), it is recommended to set this field to true when a large number of tokens are being returned and you want the function to execute quickly


object ({"tokens": [...]}) - the list of tokens (see for format)


  • SOL Pay SDK Fatal Error: Invalid search ${search}. - an invalid search was used

  • SOL Pay SDK Fatal Error: Invalid compare type ${compare_type}. - an invalid compare type was used

  • SOL Pay SDK Fatal Error: No connection found. Use SOLPay.connectNetwork() to connect to the Solana network. - could not find a connection to the Solana network

  • SOL Pay SDK Fatal Error: Connection did not respond. Use SOLPay.connectNetwork() to connect to the Solana network. - did not receive response from Solana network

Last updated