
Signs a transaction with multiple instructions using the user's private key so that it can be separately broadcast to the network

(async() => {
    let signed_tx = await SOLPay.signTransaction([{
        type: "solana_transfer",
        data: {
            address: "RECIPIENT_ADDRESS",
            lamports: 1
    }, {
        type: "spl_token_transfer",
        data: {
            token_address: "TOKEN_ADDRESS",
            address: "RECIPIENT_ADDRESS",
            amount: 1
    }, {
        type: "spl_token_transfer",
        data: {
            token_address: "TOKEN_ADDRESS",
            address: "RECIPIENT_ADDRESS",
            amount_decimal: 0.00001
    }]); // {"from": "...", "transfers": [...], "signature": "...", "serialized_transaction": Uint8Array [...]}


  • transfers: Array - the list of transfers to sign

    • type: string - the type of transfer to make (solana_transfer for a Solana transfer, spl_token_transfer for an SPL token transfer)

    • data: object - the transfer details

      • address: string - the address where the funds should be sent

      • [solana_transfer] lamports: number - the number of lamports to send (one billion lamports are in 1 SOL)

      • [spl_token_transfer] token_address: string - the mint address of the token

      • EITHER amount: number - the amount of tokens to send with the smallest denomination of tokens being represented by amount 1 (recommended)

      • OR amount_decimal: number - the decimal amount of tokens to send (not recommended)


object ({"from": "...", "transfers": [...], "signature": "...", "serialized_transaction": Uint8Array [...]}) - the transaction details

  • from: string ("...") - the address from which Solana is sent

  • transfers: Array ([...]) - the transfers of the transaction

  • signature: string ("...") - the signature of the transaction

  • serialized_transaction: Uint8Array (Uint8Array [...]) - the serialized transaction (which can be broadcasted to the network)


  • SOL Pay SDK Fatal Error: Invalid transfers ${transfers}. - invalid transfers were used

  • SOL Pay SDK Fatal Error: No connection found. Use SOLPay.connectNetwork() to connect to the Solana network. - could not find a connection to the Solana network

  • SOL Pay SDK Fatal Error: No wallet connection found. Use SOLPay.connectWallet() to connect to a Solana wallet. - no wallet was connected

  • SOL Pay SDK Fatal Error: Unable to get recent blockhash. - was not able to get a recent blockhash

Last updated