
Gets the associated token address of a Solana account

(async() => {
    let associated_token_address_1 = await SOLPay.getAssociatedTokenAddress("TOKEN_ADDRESS"); // {"address": "..."}
    let associated_token_address_2 = await SOLPay.getAssociatedTokenAddress("TOKEN_ADDRESS", "SOLANA_ADDRESS"); // {"address": "..."}


  • token_address: string - the mint address of the token with which to get the associated address

  • address (optional, default: connected wallet address): string - the Solana address with which to get the associated address


object ({"address": "..."}) - the details for the associated token account

  • address: string - the address of the associated token account


  • SOL Pay SDK Fatal Error: Invalid token address ${token_address}. - an invalid token address was used

  • SOL Pay SDK Fatal Error: Invalid address ${address}, and no wallet was connected. Use SOLPay.connectWallet() to connect to a Solana wallet. - an invalid address was used, and no wallet was connected

  • SOL Pay SDK Fatal Error: No connection found. Use SOLPay.connectNetwork() to connect to the Solana network. - could not find a connection to the Solana network

  • SOL Pay SDK Fatal Error: Connection did not respond. Use SOLPay.connectNetwork() to connect to the Solana network. - did not receive response from Solana network

Last updated