
Gets the details of a stream

(async() => {
    let details = await SOLPay.getStreamDetails("..."); // { type: "...", pending: 0, sent: 0, signatures: [...], healthyBalance: true, lastRequestedRefill: 0, paused: false, closed: false }


  • stream: string - the stream for getting details


object ({ type: "...", pending: 0, sent: 0, signatures: [...], healthyBalance: true, lastRequestedRefill: 0, paused: false, closed: false }) - the stream details

  • type: string ("...") - the type of stream (lamports)

  • pending: number (0) - the number of pending lamports that have not yet been transferred and are still accumulating in the Stream Wallet

  • sent: number (0) - the number of lamports that have been transferred from the Stream Wallet to the receiving wallet

  • signatures: Array ([...]) - the list of transaction signatures for transfers of lamports from the Stream Wallet to the receiving wallet (which can be verified using transaction.php)

  • healthyBalance: boolean (true) - whether the balance of the Stream Wallet is healthy (enough to send one transfer at the threshold amount)

  • lastRequestedRefill: number (0) - the timestamp (Unix timestamp in milliseconds) when the last refill was requested, this will be set to 0 if no refills have been requested or immediately after a refill is requested manually through the refillStream method (but not when the refill is automatically requested on a 45 second interval when the balance is no longer healthy)

  • paused: boolean (false) - whether the stream is paused

  • closed: boolean (false) - whether the stream is closed


  • SOL Pay SDK Fatal Error: Invalid stream ${stream}. - an invalid stream was used

Last updated